How ready is your nonprofit to drive resources effectively into its mission? To create productive programs and services? If your nonprofit secured that big grant tomorrow – would the funding be well spent? Mission-focused? Carefully tracked?
Unity Foundation’s Capacity Quotient —CQ®—quantitatively evaluates how “ready” a nonprofit board and staff are to implement the next program, try a new fundraising approach, hire the next staff person. CQ indicates whether or not the organization is ready to build its capacity to do more good.
CQ is a 45 minute online assessment tool that measures an organization’s financial management, human resources, fundraising acumen, leadership development, staff management and communications and legal practices. Working with an organization’s board of directors, Unity Foundation will provide assessment results benchmarked against preferred practices. We will also debrief results. Nonprofits often pursue a CQ assessment as a starting point for a strategic planning process or as a tool to manage transition.
Unity Foundation has used CQ to assess more than 350 nonprofits in 26 states. The assessments provide data for board and staff discussions and easily identifiable goals for improvement.