Nonprofit leaders are passionate about missions, their causes and those they help. In their zeal to help those whom they serve, nonprofit executive directors will generally “do what it takes” to meet needs whether it is driving through the night to rescue abused animals or dipping into their own pockets to purchase office supplies.
At Unity Foundation, we believe that effective nonprofit leaders are always learning how to strengthen their organizations—finding ways to eliminate the hair-tearing by considering more effective ways to oversee staff and mission. Critical evaluation, breakthrough fundraising, business development, collaboration: nonprofit leaders must develop leadership skills to help staff and volunteers get the right work done—not do all the work themselves.
Practicing What We Preach
Locally, we sponsor leadership programs and we are hands-on in leadership development initiatives that help build talent and skills in the Midcoast and Central regions of Maine. Our staff has served on the Board of Midcoast Magnet, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine, Northern Light Inland Hospital, and Good Will-Hinckley.
We co-sponsor the Midcoast Leadership Academy and Lori Roming helps coordinate the program to benefit emerging leaders in Knox and Waldo Counties.